Orientation to Industrial Engineering: Exam

It deals with the manpower thus, making their function highly needed in labor relations in order to maintain productivity. 
Personnel Management

In this kind of approach, the system has a clear boundary with their surrounding s and for each organizational unit within the system
Closed system approach

It concerns the development, improvement, implementation, and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, and process. 
Industrial Engineering and Management

It involves preplanning each step or operation in the manufacture of product, specifying the machine and tools to be used. 
Production Planning

It is responsible for product design and the design of production-service systems. 

Which one is not a part of the four dimensions of globalization? 

His goal was to improve productivity by making employees more efficient. 
Frederick Taylor

It involves in designing and creation of large structures, new products, or systems by using scientific methods.

He developed a chart for scheduling process activities. 
None of the above

A process that starts with an idea for a new product or service and ends with the design of the new product or service and a working prototype. 
Development Process

It is a simplified presentation of reality. 

It usually up for analyzing the detailed study to determine how the work procedure could be improved and how to increase productivity. 
Methods of Engineering

A process that starts with a working prototype of a new product and ends with the successful completion and testing of the production facility for the product. 
Preparation of Infrastructure

A fashion good supply chain management by international companies is an example of; 
Operation research model

It can be measured by how long does it takes to change a car assembly line or adding the ability to assemble a new car model. 

It is responsible for contact with customers and processing of customer orders. 

Which one of the following jobs can be done by the Industrial Engineer at the best?
Designs and improves the organizational processes

They have been developed to support the planning of processes intended at maximizing the value received by the customer by mapping the value chain. 

It pertains to both the offered product/service and the operational processes by which the product/service is attained

It defines an objective function and a set of constraints. 
Mathematical and Programming model

This type of approach was developed to help handle all the partners and stages of business practice. 
Supply Chain Management

A process which starts with a market research and ends with an order from a customer. 

How does Frederick Taylor become well-known? 
He publishes modern scientific management theory.

Which of the following does not belong to the group? 

Industrial organizations emerged specifically to
To capitalize on the rapidly developing array of technological innovations.

It is a method designed for project scheduling method and uses a statistical model to estimate the probability that the project will end on a certain date. 
PERT or Program Evaluation and Program Technique

In this kind of approach, manufacturing has no direct relationship with customers. 
Closed system approach

It deals with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems in the industry. 
Industrial Engineering

In regard to globalization, which of the following statements about its impact to the Industrial Engineering profession is TRUE?
 It started challenges and hurdles which makes several organizations face competition from all over the world.

Which statement deviates the idea of being Industrial Engineers? 
IE’s endeavored to build structures that may help their current workplace.

Which of the following is not true about system dynamics?
 It is highly flexible and therefore adaptable.

It is the reason why there is a need for a rapid response to constant change. 

They make things better, safer, and more economically and incorporate human and economic considerations in system design. 
Industrial Engineers

Provides the building blocks, tools, and techniques that organizations are using to improve their performance. 
Industrial Engineering

It is responsible for the organization’s budget and management of cash flow including relationships with banks. 

A process that starts with an order from a customer and ends with delivery and receipt of the payment from the customer who received the requested products.

Below are not distinguishing features of an Industrial Engineer, except
 Integration of humans, machines, materials, and information to optimize the performance of systems using available resources in efficient way.

In this approach, different organizational units work as a team to achieve common goals throughout the organization, and to find solutions that are good for the whole system. 
Open system approach

A process which starts with a customer’s request for service and ends then the service is provided by his/her satisfaction. 

What does models represent for? 




It is responsible in handling relationships with the external sources involving supply of product and services. 

As time is to McDonald, so Flexibility is to _________.
German Car Manufacturer Mercedes Benz

The following are activities for Industrial Engineering and Management except; 
Architectural drawing of the floor plan for UDIEMSO

Charles Babbage published the book entitled On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures that made him popular. On the other hand, how do people address Frederick W. Taylor? 
Father of Scientific Management

Involves the making of time studies of a task to come up with time standards
Methods of Engineering

It causes major effect on the price of the product or service. 

He presented information in a table and demonstrated that money could be saved by using women and children to perform the lower-skilled operations. 
None of the Above

What is the best reason on why is it important to learn the historical development in the evolution of IE? 
To understand the role of IE in today’s complex world.

MES is to Manufacturing Execution System. So, ERP is to ____________.
Enterprise Resource Planning

Involves preplanning each step or operation in the manufacture of a product, specifying the machine and tools to be used, and scheduling each operation in advance of the release of the work order to the factory. 
Production Planning

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