Industrial Quality Control Exam

1. It refers to the chromatic appeal of the product, often taking into account factors such as colors and other sensory features. 

2. What is the best reason on why the management system of an organization must be organized properly? 
To direct the overall quality improvement philosophy and ensure its development in all aspects of the business.

3. Below are absolutes of quality according to Crosby. Which of the is incorrect? 
The measurement of quality is the price of conformance and not indexes.

4. The duty of the firm as a whole is to achieve high 
Product quality

5. This approach is used for the organization to enhance their performances and see to it that leaders properly manage and control their processes, as well as the inputs and outputs that tie the process together 
Process approach

6. Ms. Jasmine wanted to purchase the new released model of canon printer. However, upon checking the product reviews, several customers claimed that the item requires frequent maintenance (reset) for the product to continue its function. As a result, Ms. Jasmine opted not to purchase anymore. Based on the situation, what made her change her mind? 
Due to the reliability of the product

7. System approach to management means
Processes are managed as a system

8. Activities used to ensure that the products and services meet requirements and are improved on a continuous basis. 
Quality Control and improvement

9. It refers to the effective service life of the product. 

10. It asserts that designers and implementers of decisions are people. Thus, understanding this one is very important. 

11. This is the most common factor that potential customers will look into. It is where the product is evaluated whether or not it executes a specific function accordingly. 

12. The tasks of each individual department in an organization is to achieve high _________. 
Production quality

13. Sit serves as a permanent reference for implementing and maintaining the system. 
Quality manual

14. It is an independent, non-governmental, international organization that develops standards to ensure the quality, safety, and efficiency of products as well as services. 

15. It is the only performance measurement. 
Cost of quality

16.It is a method to reduce waste in a manufacturing system without sacrificing productivity. 

17. Below are some of Deming’s Philosophy, except; 
Improve constantly and later the system of employees

18. A document that exhibits a commitment to achieving high quality and meeting customers’ expectations. 
Quality policy

19. Improve processes performance in relation to what is critical to the customer. 
Six sigma

20. Which of the following does not belong to the group? 
Increased market price

21. Illustrates management responsibility for operating the quality system. 
Organizational chart

22. It defines the requirement of a quality management system. 
ISO 9001: 2008

23. Jessa plans to buy a remote-control car toy as a birthday gift to his second son. While choosing the item, she wanted a product of having at least 3-year life expectancy. It can be concluded that Jessa is particular in; 
Durability of the product

24. It includes the determination of a quality policy, creating and implementing quality planning and assurance, and quality control and quality improvement. 
Quality management

25. It is a strategic activity and is vital to an organization’s long-term business success. 
Quality planning

26. What is the best reason why ISO certification is a must? 
To develop specifications for products, services, systems and procedures by which the company can measure their level of excellence.

27. Activities that ensure that quality levels of products and services are properly maintained and that supplier and customer quality issues are properly addressed. 
Quality assurance

28. It refers to the set of inherent properties of an object that allows satisfying states or implied needs. 

29. It is where you monitor and measure processes against health and safety policy, legal and other requirements. 

30. He was an American statistician and is widely credited with improving production in the United States during WWII. 
None of the above

31. A rule used to contend that majority of the issues or errors can be traced to a few critical sources. 
Pareto Principle

32. It is a collection of policies, procedures, plans and the specification of responsibilities and authority of an organization designed to achieve product and service in quality levels. 
Quality management system

33. Which of the following does not belong to the group? 
Quality assurance

34. Which of the following does not belong to the group? 
Frederick W. Taylor

35. Which of the following does not belong to the group? 

36. It aims to enable organizations to better serve their customers and be more competitive in the marketplace by adhering to quality management principles. 
ISO 9000

37. Organizations used this approach to establish focus, understand and meet the customers’ current and future requirements and expectations. 
Customer focus

38. Organizations in this type of approach used evidence-based decision-making process that entails gathering input form multiple sources and considering their potential consequences. 
Factual approach

39. Below are appropriate reasons for adopting ISO 9000 except; 
To obtain marketing advantage

40. He created the Toyota Production System in late 1940’s and is referred to as the Father of Just-in-Time. 
Taiichi Ohno

41. The ability to unite purpose, organizational direction, empowerment and help to achieve objectives. 

42. It focuses on identifying whether documented procedures are being followed and are responsible for reporting the issues to management for corrective action. 
Internal audit

43. Referred to as the father of SQC and founder of the control chart. 
Walter Andrew Shewhart

44. This was the time when training courses on statistical quality control are given to the industry.

46. The newly wed couple wanted to buy house and lot for them to live on. They visited several properties already. After several months, they still haven’t chosen which developer they chose because as for the wife, she doesn’t like the color ambiance of the properties. Based on this situation, what is the quality of property does the wife look into?

47. They are used as referenced in a manual. 
Quality Procedures

48. An organization that has involved in this sector will find it easy to prepare for ISO 9000 certification. 

49. A product or process that is Reliable, and that performs its intended function is said to be a _________ product. 

50. What organization that was developed by ASQ and ANSI? 
ISO 9000

51. This is where taking actions to continuously improve health and safety performance is done. 

52. The degree to which physical and performance characteristics of a product match pre-established standards. 

53. Is concerned with the contirutions HR strategies make to organizational effectiveness, and how these contributions are accomplished. 
Strategic Human Resource Management

54. Approach to system development of a Strategic HR(SHR) 
Anticipatory-forecasting, predicting needs

55. This examines the organization’s performance and improvement in its key business areas: customer satisfaction, financial and marketplace performance, human resources, supplier and partner performance, operational performance, and governance and social responsibility. 

56. Is a term that is commonly used to characterize flexibility and short cycle times. 

57. Is a technique by which individual workers learn several tasks by rotating from one to another. 
Job rotation

58. Refers to work approaches used to systematically pursue ever-higher levels of over-all organizational and human performance
High-performance work

59. Is rooted in the psychology of human needs and supported by the motivation models of Maslow, Herzberg and McGregor. 
Workforce engagement

60. Is an approach for mistake-proofing processes using automatic devices or simple methods to avoid human error. 

61. It is an intense and rapid improvement process into an improvement project over a short time period. 
Kaizen Blitz

62. This examines how the organization enables its workforce to develop its full potential and how the workforce is aligned with the organization’s objectives. 
Workforce focus

63. Focuses on continually seeking to achieve higher levels of performance, such as reduced variation, higher yields, fewer defects and errors.

64. It is a Japanese word that means gradual and orderly continuous improvement. 

65. Requirements that customers expressly say they want

66. Timeframe span of hiring of a Tradition HR 
Short-term, immediate needs

67. This examines how senior executives guide the organization and how the organization addresses its responsibilities to the public and practices good citizenship. 

68. New or innovative eatures that customers do not expect or even anticipate. 

69. Teams in which members communicate by computer, take turns as leaders and jump in and out as necessary. 
Virtual Teams

70. View of employees of a Strategic HR(SHR) 
People are critical resources

71. Refers to how employees are organized in formal and informal units, such as departments and teams. 
Work design

72. Refers to customer's investment in or commitment to a brand and product offering
Customer Engagement

73. Refers to any activity by which employees participate in work-related decisions and improvement activities with the objectives of tapping the creative energies of all employees and improving their motivation. 
Employee involvement

74. The amount of use one gets from a product before it physically deteriorates or until replacement is preferable. 

75. An individual's response to a felt need and as to get his work done at his own peak level of efficiency. 

76. The physical facilities and equipment, and the appearance of personnel. 

77. View of Organization of a Strategic HR(SHR) 
Broad skill application

78. The requirements that processes should meet is vital to designing them. 
Process Requirements

79. Simply means giving people authority to make decisions based on what they feel is right and to promote change. 

80. Refers to both incremental changes, which are small and gradual, and breakthrough improvements. 
Continuous Improvement

81. Focuses on ensuring that the inputs to the process, such as materials, technology, work methods, and that the process can achieve its requirements. 

82. They provide infrastructure for value-creation processes but do not add value directly to the product or service. 
Support Processes

83. Is temporary work structures that startup, produce products or services, and shut down. 

84. It allows to visually communicate the important details of a process rather than writing extensive directions. 
Process mapping

85. Ability to achieve their own unique levels of excellence and allowed to express themselves. 

86. Workers are given more authority, responsibility, and autonomy rather than simply more or different work to do. 
Job enrichment

87. Response to change of a Strategic HR(SHR) 
Flexible to change

88. This examines the management, effective use, analysis, and improvement of data and information to support key organization processes and the organization’s performance management system. 
Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management

89. It is the activity of ensuring conformance to the requirements and taking corrective action when necessary to correct problems. 

90. This approach prevents defects and errors, it does result in some non-value-added time
Identifying potential defects and errors and stopping a process before they occur.

92. This examines how the organization determines requirements and expectations of customers and markets; builds relationships with customers; and acquires, satisfies, and retains customers. 
Customer focus

93. The probability of a product's surviving over a specified period of time under stated conditions of use. 

94. Simply means the extent to which an individual contributes to achieving the goals and objectives of an organization 

95. Key issues towards RISK of a Traditional HR 
Reliance on proven approaches

96. The speed, courtesy, and competence of repair work 

97. Teams with specific mission to develop something new or to accomplish a complex task. 
Project Teams

98. Refers to everyone who is actively involved in accomplishing the work of an organization. 

99. Also known as Human Resource management or HRM 
workforce management

100. A develop flowchart with standard operating procedures and work instructions. 
Process Map

101. Teams organized to perform entire jobs, rather than specialized, assembly line-type work. 
Natural Work Teams

102. This approach is the best because it eliminates any possibility of errors. 
Designing potential defects and errors out the process.

103. They are those who fall between organization and the consumer. 
The correct answer is: External Customers

104. Sometimes called "core processes", are those important to running the business. 
Value-Creation Process

105. Fundamental mind-set of a Traditional HR 

106. Process/outcome orientation of a Strategic HR(SHR) 
Primary concern for results

107. Basic requirements that customers expected in a product or service. 

108. Program’s mission is to improve the competitiveness and performance of U.S. organizations through organizational assessment and development for the benefit of all U.S. residents. 
The Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence

109. Is to develop an efficient process that satisfies both internal and external customer requirements.
 Process Design

110. This examines how the organization sets strategic directions and how it determines key action plans. 
Strategic planning

111. This examines aspects of how key production/delivery and support processes are designed, managed, and improved. 
Process management

112. It is an intense and rapid improvement process into an improvement project over a short time period. 
Customer Satisfaction

113. It is the active changing of the process based on the results of process monitoring. 
Process Control

114. Refers to responsibilities and tasks assigned to individuals. 
Job design

115. It involves all activities associated with planning, scheduling, and controlling projects.
Project Management

117. Worker's jobs were expanded to include several tasks rather than one single, low-level task. 
Job Enlargement

118. View of employees of a Traditional HR 
People are exploitable resources

119. Involves planning and administering the activities necessary to achieve a high level of performance in the organization. 
Process Management

120. Breaks down barriers among individuals, departments, and line and staff functions. 

121. Accountable for process performance and have the authority to control and improve the process. 
Process owners

122. How a product looks, feels, sounds, tastes, or smells, 

123. Focuses on maintaining consistency in output by assessing performance and taking corrective action when necessary. 

124. Refers to customer's investment in or commitment to a brand and product offering 

125. Is often cited as one of the most important factors related to employee motivation. 

126. This can avoid large amounts of costly defects and errors in the future. 
Identifying defects and errors soon after they occur

127. The "bells and whistles" of a product. 

128. Refers to the time it takes to accomplish one cycle of a process. 
Cycle Time

129. It is the fundamental reason an organization exists. It inspire an organization and guides its setting of values. 

130. Refers to the extent of workforce commitment, both emotional and intellectual, to accomplishing the work, mission, and vision of the organization. 
Workforce engagement

131. Refers to the ability to adapt quickly and effectively to changing requirements. 

132. A product's primary operating characteristics. 

133. Teams consisting mainly of managers from various functions, such as sales and production that coordination work among teams 
Management Teams

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