Industrial Organization Management Exam

It is composed of a partner whose liability is limited to the amount of capital contributed. 
Limited partnership

He/She coordinates and oversees the work of other people in order to attain organizational goals. 

It is used to ensure that all activities go as planned or else, do necessary corrective actions. 

Manage to offer services in either private or public sector such as social welfare agencies. 
Non-Profit Organization

Listed below are the advantages of having a partner in building a business, except; 
Intrapersonal conflicts

They affect the availability, distribution, and production of a society’s resources among competing users. 

Their tasks are to forward information to other organization members such as sending memoranda and reports. 

They used to transmit information to outsiders through speeches, reports, and/or memoranda. 

He/She is responsible for a single organizational activity. 
Functional Manager

Responsible for different organizational activities. 
General Manager

It is where the concept and distribution of ideas, goods, and/or services are being planned and executed to make exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. 

It refers to the relation of the accomplished tasks that help attain the set organizational goals. 

It is where activities are properly checked on whether or not the organization is in line with the set goals otherwise make necessary corrections out from deviations. 

An attribute of culture used to guide and influence relationships among people. 
Societal Forces

Line Managers must have more of this skill. 
Technical Skill

He/She is to inspire, train, counsel and even communicate with the subordinates. 

Manage the work of those who are involved in producing the organizations' product or servicing the customer.
First-line Managers

What is the best reason why we need to study management? 
Because it is needed in all types, sizes, level and areas of organization.

A business venture usually operated by a single person in which assets, earnings, and debts are assumed by the owner. 
Sole Proprietorship

The Top Managers must have more of this skill. 
Conceptual Skill

Its job is to perform ceremonial and symbolic duties such as receiving visitors and likes. 

It refers to the process of planning, organizing, leading, & controlling that encompasses human, material, financial & information resources in an organizational environment to achieve stated organizational goals. 

An association of two or more persons who operate business as co-owners by voluntary legal agreement. 

Involves people and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature. 
Interpersonal Role

Its function is to select the most effective communication channel to deal with the employee’s behavioral issues. 

Below are the main functions of managers, except; 
Command everything towards his/her subordinates

It is a legal entity whose assets and liability are separate from those of its owners. 

This describes the activities used to maintain and develop an information network. 

The capability to create a good impression and instill confidence in it. 
Personal Impact

The ability to understand the relationships among various sub-unite and visualize how the organization fits into its external environment. 
Conceptual Skill

They maintain data that links both inside and outside organizations by using internet access, mail, phone and etc. 

It is concerned with ways of getting things done. As a result, provide the most output from the given least amount of inputs. 

It is a process or technique to instruct, motivate, guide, and oversee the performance of employees in order to attain the set organization goals. 

The primary function is to aid members such as cooperatives, labor unions and trade associations. 
Mutual-Benefit Organization

Involves in disseminating, collecting, and receiving important data. 
Informational Role

It is the aptitude to perform in vague situations. 
Tolerance to Uncertainty

It is where the goals are being defined for the sole purpose of future organizational operation as well as to decide on the tasks needed to attain the set goals. 

Manage the works of the supervisors. 
Middle Managers

The ability to associate well with other individuals whether individually or in the group. Also known to be the most important skills for all managerial levels. 
Human Skill

He pioneered in the field of industrial psychology. 
Hugo Munsterberg

Designing and amplifying new product that would be useful to the current situation is an example of; 
Research and Development

Which of the following does not belong to the group? 

Below are advantages of being a sole proprietor, except; 
Retention of all profits to the owner, except those for the government is in the form of cash.

They are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization. 
Top Managers

In this era, prior to industrialization around the globe, cultivation is the sole economic activity. 

Involves in planning and staffing performance management, compensation and benefits, and other employee relation activities. 
Human Resource

Involved in making money or profit by offering products or services towards its clients. 
For-Profit Organization

Primarily arrange planned tasks and other resources to attain organizational set goals. 

The following are advantages in a legal entity corporation, except; 
Unlimited financial risks

He predicted the specialization of mental work and suggested profit sharing. None of the Above

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