1. Is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals.
  2. Involves various participants who perform a sequence of activities in moving physical goods and services from a point of origin to a point of consumption.
  3. sometimes supply chain chain referred to
  4. refers to flow of materials from the supplier to customers or end users
  5. refers to flow of information which flows in both direction from customers to suppliers or from suppliers to customers.
  6. flow of materials within a manufacturing facility
  7. flow of materials from a manufacturing facility 
  8. flow of materials into a manufacturing facility
  9. refers to flow of cash or finance from customer to supplier in exchange of product and or services recieve.
  10. As global competition increases and businesses extend their reach into foreign markets, they become more dependent on their
  11. they are the source of money or finance of the business and without them business will not exist.
  12. Market-driven Government 
  13. State-controlled Government
  14. is the use of electronic means, primarily the internet, to conduct business.
  15. refers to the acquisition of inputs, or resources, for the firm
  16. refers to supporting activities which involved in recruiting, hiring, training, developing, compensation and (if necessary dismissing or laying off personnel.
  17. pertains to the equipment, hardware, software, procedures, and technical knowledge brought to bear in the firm’s transformation of inputs into outputs.
  18. serves the company’s needs and ties its various parts together,. Its consists of functions or departments such as accounting, legal, finance, planning, public affairs, government relations, quality assurance, and general management.
  19. involve relationships with suppliers and include all the activities required to receive, store, and disseminate inputs.
  20. refers to  all activities required to transform inputs into outputs (products and services)
  21. include all the activities required to collect store, and distribute output.
  22. refers to activities that inform buyers about products and services, induce buyers to purchase them, and facilitate their purchase.
  23. includes all the activities required to keep the product or service working effectively for the buyer after it is sold and delivered.
  24. he developed the porters value chain.
  25. is the person who actually consumes the products or services.
  26. Those who purchases the goods for re-sale e.g. retailers.
  27. Those who are loyal to one business and repeat the purchases irrespective of minor changes in parameters like price, quantity, etc.
  28. Those who were once buyer of one business and became buyers of a new business because of some reason.
  29. Those who only buy or use the offering because it was on discount or offered a cashback.
  30. The customers who have used the product or service for the first time from a particular organization.
  31. Kind of person who is very likely to buy the product or service offered by the business. e.g. a customer looking for an apartment in a particular area becomes a potential customer for the local realtors who would have a flat which will suit the requirements of the customer.
  32. they are the receiver of outputs from other person or departments in a business organization.
  33. types of logistics that refers to the movement of the goods from the manufacturer to customers.
  34. types of logistics that moves the goods from customers back to sellers or manufacturers.
  35. predicting the quantity and timing of customer  demand.
  36. determining the location of facilities
  37. meeting the demand requirements while managing the costs of holding inventory; balance is the main objective as too little causes delay while too much adds unnecessary costs.
  38. deciding how best move and store materials.
  39. controlling quality, scheduling work; core of each organization
  40. determining what products and/or services customers want; driving force
  41. monitoring supplier quantity, on-time delivery, and flexibility; maintaining supplier relations.
  42. incorporating customers wants, manufacturability, and time to market.
  43. evaluating potential suppliers, supporting the needs of operations on purchased goods and services.
  44. refers to the design, planning, execution, control and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand, and measuring performance globally.
  45. Means buying of goods or services instead of producing or providing them for use.
  46. the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics of an object fulfills requirements.
  47. handling of complaints or repairs
  48. indirect evaluation of quality
  49. extra characteristics
  50. the useful life of the product
  51. main characteristics of the product
  52. consistency of performance
  53. how well the product conforms to design specifications
  54. appearance, feel, smell, or taste
  55. the availability and accessibility of the service
  56. the ability to provide the same level of good quality repeatedly.
  57. the physical appearance of facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials
  58. the speed with which the service is delivered
  59. willingness to help customers in unusual situations and to deal with problems
  60. the way customers are treated by employees
  61. ability to perform a service dependably, consistently, and accurately
  62. knowledge exhibited by personnel and their ability to convey trust and confidence 



  1. means importance
  2. This method establishes the price for a product based on the buyer’s perception of the value of the product or service. Examples painting and sculptures.
  3. calls for dividing the market into different geographical units such as nations, states, regions, countries, cities, or neighborhood.
  4. requires the setting of price at the upper limit of the realistic range of choice and purpose is to maximize profits as the product is being introduced.
  5. is commonly refers to as combination of products that a seller can offer to the buyers.
  6.  is the amount of money that is paid exchanged for the purchase of a product.
  7. are the companies that sell products that affect the salability of the products or services.
  8. refers to the time line of the product
  9. This approach hinges on the observation that consumers associate high price with high quality and low quality with low price.
  10. discounts
  11. price lower than competitors
  12. proximity to the market
  13. channel of distributions
  14. crazy sale
  15. product mix
  16. rent expense/cost of land
  17. discounts
  18. Are usually termed as a product grouped together with similarities in target market, formula, and production.
  19. refers to type markets where firms buy products to be used for production of their products in their business.
  20.  involves determining what the customer need and want, by involving them in the development of a product that will eventually satisfy their needs and wants, by communicating the product value-the usefulness and desirability of the product
  21. refers to two requirements of the buyer which are necessary in order to complete a transaction
  22. under this pricing method, the firm adapts a price based on the competitor’s prices.
  23. consists of dividing the market into groups on the basis of demographic variables such as age, sex, family size, income, occupation, education, religion, race, and nationality.
  24. persuasion is the most important goal of promotion and encourages purchases or changes in attitude of the target buyer.
  25. marketing communications must act as a differentiator of products, especially in markets where there are many similar products.
  26. promotional messages are also aimed at reminding current buyers (suki) of the reasons why they should continue by the product/s  as well as quality.
  27. promotion provides a great deal of factual information about products and places of business such as location of the store
  28. calls for setting the price at the bottom of the realistic price range and purpose is to penetrate the market as rapidly possible.
  29. is defined as the process of planning and executing the various activities that are involved in the selling of goods, services or ideas that lead to an exchange  between buyer and a seller.
  30. Refers to as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
  31. Refers to communication designed and implemented to persuade buyers to accept ideas, concepts, or things; or to motivate customers and consumers to take action which is preferable the act of buying.
  32. This refers to the practice of setting low prices on selected products which will result in the generation of less profits, but with the objective of increasing the sales volume of other products sold by the company.
  33. buyers are divided into different  groups basis of their social class, lifestyle, and or personality characteristics.
  34. This refers to the practice of setting price even below peso amounts. An example is selling at P99.50 rather than 100.  
  35. refer to materials that are used to wrap or contain the product, or this can refer to how a product is presented to the buyer.
  36. refers to the companies that help in marketing efforts of the company.
  37. refers to types of market where buyers buy large quantities of products/service for the organizations like hospitals, schools, & government agencies.
  38. refers to type of markets where buy and sell happens, and these types f markets are also referred to as middlemen or intermediaries.
  39. the firm sets its price which is thought to be little lower than the competitors.
  40. refers to the people that purchase your products and or services.
  41. Marketers must therefore show the products value to the buyer in order to facilitate the
  42. is defined as those activities involved in the determination of the price at which product will be offered for sale considering the various objectives of the firm.
  43. refers to the need, want or desire for a product backed by the money to purchase.
  44. formula used for target rate of return pricing
  45. refers to the amount of a product made available for sale
  46. Are other businesses or individuals that provide resources need by the company in order to produce its products.
  47. refers to type of market where products/services are bought for personal use.
  48. is the name, sign, symbol, or design or any combination of these elements, that is intended to identify the goods or services of a seller.
  49. is where the exchange occurs



  1. is the amount of a product made available for sale.
  2. is the need, want or desire for a product backed by the money to purchase it.
  3. can be defined as the process of acquiring goods, services from a third party vendor through direct purchasing, competitive bedding, or tendering process while ensuring timely delivery of the items with the right quality and quantity.
  4. is a part of the procurement function and focuses on the transactional phase associated with buying goods and services.
  5.  may be defined as the function of management, concerned with promoting and enhancing the development of work effectiveness and advancement of the human resources in organization.  These are accomplished through proper planning, organizing, directing, coordination, and controlling of activities related to procurement, development, motivation and compensation, of employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise.
  6. are the formal rules and guidelines that businesses put in place to hire, train, assess, and reward the members of their workforce.
  7. refers to procurement process in which the procurement officer will make a purchase requisition and order, and seek approval by the authorize authority of the company. → Purchase requisition and order,
  8. refers to procurement process which negotiates the selected vendor/supplier and finalizes the prices, terms and conditions. 
  9. refers to procurement process which requires the procurement officer to keep and maintain records for audit and monitoring and future transactions  
  10. refers to procurement process in which the vendor/suppliers prepare and deliver the items to the company in timely manner. 
  11. refers to procurement process which facilitates the payment of the procured items and mode of payment is based on the terms and conditions.  
  12. refers to procurement process in which the company do the inspection upon receiving of items to ensure items meet conformance to requirements and specifications. the company may accept or reject the items. 
  13. refers to procurement process which finds potentials vendors. in vendors selection, the procurement officer must consider the ff: price, capability, integrity, timely delivery, quality and commitment. 
  14. refers to procurement process in which purchase order is either sent electronically or deliver personally to the vendor. 
  15. the first step of procurement process which validates the need and requirements of items to be procured. 
  16. refers to procurement process which determines the specifications of the items to be procured. 
  17. promotion provides a great deal of factual information about products and places of business such as location of the store 
  18. persuasion is the most important goal of promotion and encourages purchases or changes in attitude of the target buyer. 
  19. promotional messages are also aimed at reminding current buyers (suki) of the reasons why they should continue by the product/s  as well as quality. 
  20. marketing communications must act as a differentiator of products, especially in markets where there are many similar products.
  21. The correct answer is: how well the product conforms to design specifications 
  22. appearance, feel, smell, or taste
  23. main characteristics of the product
  24. consistency of performance 
  25. the useful life of the product 
  26. extra characteristics 
  27. handling of complaints or repairs 
  28. indirect evaluation of quality
  29. flow of materials into a manufacturing facility 
  30. flow of materials within a manufacturing facility
  31. flow of materials from a manufacturing facility 
  32. construct the message appropriate the audience
  33. delivers the message
  34. participants for the advertisement 
  35. designs, musics, actors, 
  36. proximity to the market
  37. transportation of supply 
  38. sales promotions 
  39. direct marketing → 
  40. discounts → 
  41. billboards and posters → 
  42. channel of distributions → 
  43. price lower than competitors → 
  44. items are sold at P99.99 → 
  45. crazy sale → 
  46. accessibility and visibility of location → 
  47. safety and security → 
  48. product features and aesthetics  → 
  49. celebrity endorsement → 
  50. product design → 
  51. packaging → 
  52. marketing intermediaries → place, discounts → 
  53. product mix → 
  54. rent expense/cost of land → 
  55. incorporating customers wants, manufacturability, and time to market. → 
  56. monitoring supplier quantity, on-time delivery, and flexibility; maintaining supplier relations. → 
  57. controlling quality, scheduling work; core of each organization → 
  58. determining what products and/or services customers want; driving force → 
  59. predicting the quantity and timing of customer  demand. → 
  60. evaluating potential suppliers, supporting the needs of operations on purchased goods and services. → 
  61. deciding how best move and store materials. → 
  62. determining the location of facilities  → 
  63. meeting the demand requirements while managing the costs of holding inventory; balance is the main objective as too little causes delay while too much adds unnecessary costs. → 
  64. predicting the quantity and timing of customer demand.  → 
  65. determining what products and or services customers want; driving element → 
  66. incorporating customers wants, manufacturability, and time to market. → 
  67. The correct answer is: State-controlled Government → 
  68. Market-driven Government → 
  69. the way customers are treated by employees → 
  70. the speed with which the service is delivered → 
  71. knowledge exhibited by personnel and their ability to convey trust and confidence  → 
  72. the physical appearance of facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials → 
  73. ability to perform a service dependably, consistently, and accurately → 
  74. the availability and accessibility of the service → 
  75. willingness to help customers in unusual situations and to deal with problems → 
  76. the ability to provide the same level of good quality repeatedly. → 
  77. This refers to the practice of setting low prices on selected products which will result in the generation of less profits, but with the objective of increasing the sales volume of other products sold by the company.
  78. This refers to the practice of setting price even below peso amounts. An example is selling at P99.50 rather than 100.  
  79. the firm sets its price which is thought to be little lower than the competitors.
  80. under this pricing method, the firm adapts a price based on the competitor’s prices.
  81. Refers to as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
  82. Refers to communication designed and implemented to persuade buyers to accept ideas, concepts, or things; or to motivate customers and consumers to take action which is preferable the act of buying.
  83. calls for setting the price at the bottom of the realistic price range and purpose is to penetrate the market as rapidly possible.
  84. requires the setting of price at the upper limit of the realistic range of choice and purpose is to maximize profits as the product is being introduced.
  85. is defined as those activities involved in the determination of the price at which product will be offered for sale considering the various objectives of the firm.
  86.  is the amount of money that is paid exchanged for the purchase of a product.
  87. refers to the people that purchase your products and or services.
  88. are the companies that sell products that affect the salability of the products or services.
  89. refers to the companies that help in marketing efforts of the company.
  90. Are other businesses or individuals that provide resources need by the company in order to produce its products.
  91. refer to materials that are used to wrap or contain the product, or this can refer to how a product is presented to the buyer.
  92. is the name, sign, symbol, or design or any combination of these elements, that is intended to identify the goods or services of a seller.
  93. refers to the time line of the product
  94. Are usually termed as a product grouped together with similarities in target market, formula, and production.
  95. is commonly refers to as combination of products that a seller can offer to the buyers.
  96. buyers are divided into different  groups basis of their social class, lifestyle, and or personality characteristics.
  97. consists of dividing the market into groups on the basis of demographic variables such as age, sex, family size, income, occupation, education, religion, race, and nationality.
  98. calls for dividing the market into different geographical units such as nations, states, regions, countries, cities, or neighborhood.
  99. refers to the amount of a product made available for sale.
  100. refers to the need, want or desire for a product backed by the money to purchase.
  101. refers to types of market where buyers buy large quantities of products/service for the organizations like hospitals, schools, & government agencies.
  102. refers to type of markets where buy and sell happens, and these types f markets are also referred to as middlemen or intermediaries.
  103. refers to type markets where firms buy products to be used for production of their products in their business.
  104. refers to type of market where products/services are bought for personal use.
  105. refers to two requirements of the buyer which are necessary in order to complete a transaction
  106. is where the exchange occurs
  107. Marketers must therefore show the products value to the buyer in order to facilitate the
  108.  involves determining what the customer need and want, by involving them in the development of a product that will eventually satisfy their needs and wants, by communicating the product value-the usefulness and desirability of the product
  109. is defined as the process of planning and executing the various activities that are involved in the selling of goods, services or ideas that lead to an exchange  between buyer and a seller.
  110. the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics of an object fulfills requirements.
  111. Means buying of goods or services instead of producing or providing them for use.
  112. refers to the design, planning, execution, control and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand, and measuring performance globally.
  113. types of logistics that moves the goods from customers back to sellers or manufacturers.
  114. types of logistics that refers to the movement of the goods from the manufacturer to customers.
  115. they are the receiver of outputs from other person or departments in a business organization.
  116. Kind of person who is very likely to buy the product or service offered by the business. e.g. a customer looking for an apartment in a particular area becomes a potential customer for the local realtors who would have a flat which will suit the requirements of the customer.



  1. refers to material handling principle which use handling equipment to help achieve desired production capacity.
  2. refers to material handling principle which reduce the ratio of the dead weight of mobile handling equipment to load carried.
  3. refers to material handling principle which replace obsolete handling methods and equipment when more efficient methods or equipment will improve operations.
  4. refers to the sourcing, expediting, and receiving of goods, that are coming to the business organization.
  5. Refers to the movement of materials and information within the facility and to incoming and outgoing shipments of goods and materials.
  6. Means that the shape of the containers permits an empty container to be inserted into another empty container.
  7. It is the art and science involving the moving, packaging, and storing of substances in any form.
  8. refers to the movement of finished goods or product from the business to final customer.
  9. process of sending returned products back up the supply chain for value recovery or disposal.
  10. refers to material handling principle which mechanizes handling operations.
  11. refers to material handling principle which plan for preventive maintenance and scheduled repairs of all handling equipment.
  12. refers to material handling principle which use material handling activities to improve control of product inventory and order handling.
  13. refers to material handling principle which standardize handling methods as well as types and sizes of handling equipment.
  14. refers to material handling principle which increase the quantity size or weight loads or flow rate.
  15. refers to material handling principle which provide automation to include production, handling, and storage functions.
  16. refers to material handling principle which determine the effectiveness of handling performance in terms of expense per unit handled.
  17. refers to material handling principle which provide suitable methods and equipment for safe handling.
  18. is the practice of unloading goods from inbound delivery vehicles and loading them directly onto outbound vehicles.
  19. refers to material handling principle which Integrates  handling activities as is practical into a coordinated system of operations, covering vendor, receiving, storage, production, inspection, packaging, warehousing, shipping, transportation, and customer.
  20. refers to material handling principle which plan for optimum utilization of handling equipment and manpower.
  21. refers to material handling principle which use methods and equipment that can best perform a variety of tasks and applications where special-purpose equipment is not justified.
  22. refers to material handling principle which provides an operation sequence and equipment layout optimizing material flow.
  23. is a phenomenon where demand changes at the end of a supply chain lead to inventory fluctuations along the chain.
  24. s the function of moving the right material to the right place, at the right time, in the right amount, in sequence, and in the right position or condition to minimize production costs.
  25. refers to material handling principle which consider all aspects of the material being handled, the movement, and the method to be used.
  26. Japanese term that describes suppliers who become part of the company coalition.
  27. Means that a full container can be stacked on top of another full container in the same  spatial orientation.
  28. refers to principle of material handling which plan all material handling and storage activities to obtain operating efficiency.
  29. is a form of retail business wherein the seller accepts customer orders but does not keep goods sold in stock.
  30. refers to a purchase order which a customer places with its supplier to allow multiple delivery dates over a period of time, often negotiated to take advantage of predetermined pricing.


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