this is the means by which employees are inspired to work to achieve the objectives of the organization effectively.

Is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals.

This function of human resource management helps the employees to acquire skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively.

refers to a company statement that explains the organization's reason for existence.

refers to a written document that describes the general tasks, or other related duties, and responsibilities of a position.

It is a dynamic management process of ensuring that all times a company or its unit has in its employ the right number of people, with the right skills and assigned to the right jobs where they can contribute most effectively to the productivity and profitability of the company.

The procedure used for determining/ collecting information relating to the operations and responsibility of a specific job, and the end results are Job Description and Job Specification.

He invented the punch clock or time recorder.

A written document which define the knowledge, skills and abilities that are required to perform a job in an organization.

The correct answer is: job specification

This refers to activities to implement the organizational philosophy or creed and the personnel philosophy of central managers in relation to people to accomplish organizational objectives

It may be defined as the function of management, concerned with promoting and enhancing the development of work effectiveness and advancement of the human resources in organization.

 is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization, the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs.

refers to a company statement which describes organization's sights on the future or ambition of the business.

He is known as father of scientific management.

 because after the information are being gathered, analyzed and formulated, best decisions, alternative solutions, foresee problems to make a creative solution are implemented.

it is a management functions that involves the manager’s efforts to stimulate high performance by employees and involve day to day contact with people, helping guide and inspire them toward achieving team organizational goals

is the  process of finding and attracting, capable applicants for employment and differentiating between applicants who’s to be hired.

refers to management process that assembles and coordinates human, financial, physical, informational and other resources needed to achieve goals the controlling function makes sure that goals are met.

A process to set plans, on how the organization assess future supply and demands and for more effective and efficient use of HR.

 is concerned with the efficient acquisition and maximum utilization of the company human resource in order to enable the company to attain its goals and objectives.

A formal approach to ensure that people with the proper qualifications are available when needed prepare employees for progression along a designed career path

a clear agreement between employer and employee relating to labor matters.

It refers to continuing decisions applicable to routine or repetitive situations used as guides in the management of human resource.

refers to the task of filling position in the organization with the most qualified people available.

refers management process that specifies the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals.

Management functions of monitoring performance and making needed changes.

may be defined as the method by which, through observation by the appraiser, the individual worker’s efficiency in performing his duties and responsibilities during a period is evaluated on the basis of predetermined performance standards or established goals mutually set by the employee and his supervisor.

 because it involves the systematic gathering of data derived from surveys, statistics interview and observations.

 is a process of analyzing an organization’s human resource needs under changing conditions and developing the activities necessary to satisfy these needs.

is the induction program for newly hired employees which includes orientation and deployment.



The HR manager oversees the employees in his own department over whom he exercises as a direct line authority.

He serves as counselor, guide and confidant to management, supervisors, and employees.

His educational functions are to sell the employee’s point of view to management and the line supervisors and the management’s point of view to the employees and supervisors. 

He translates in to action those parts of the personnel policies and programs assigned to him.  

He is usually asked either to represent management in negotiating labor contracts or to attend negotiations with unions in an advisory capacity.

He brings into action all activities; regulates and combines diverse efforts into a harmonious whole, and gets together and harmonizes the work of various personnel in his department and the related functions in other departments. 

encourages the establishment of business enterprises in the different fields to meet the demands of society for a balanced production and distribution of goods and services. 

 protects the free enterprise system as an integral part of the economic order and to insure equitable treatment for employees, the employers, and the customers.  → government,

He wants his traditional rights and prerogatives preserved and respected in the organization and in the management of his business. → 

The wants derive certain satisfaction from the business. → 

He wants healthful working surroundings and protection against the hazards of accidents, sickness, old and age. → 

They prefer steady jobs than seasonal ones. → 

He wants a fair working hours that will enable him to have sufficient rest and time for leisure → 

He desires to work in a company where relationships with his supervisor and co-workers are cordial and where he would be treated as a human being and self-respecting individual. → 

They are  entitled to the best quality of products and services that the firm can supply at prices they consider reasonable 

expects that the company could contribute to the economic progress of the community by providing not only the necessary goods and services but also employment and job opportunities. → 

They want every employee in the company-from the highest official to the humble worker-to be courteous, helpful, and cordial in their relations with them. → 

They want harmony to exist among the employers and company personnel to avoid strikes, lockouts, and other industrial disputes that hamper the smooth flow of business and adversely affect the supply of commodities and services. →

requires these business enterprises to comply with the laws and regulations it has promulgated and to pay their taxes promptly and honestly. → 

he wants the least interference from outside elements, such as the labor unions and the government. → 

wants to be informed about matters in the organization which affect him, such as new company policies, operational changes affecting his work, the progress of the company, and the achievements of the people in the organization. → 

The human resource policies of the organization are written, known and observed by few.

The personnel program has the full support of management and employees.

Research covering organizational and industry-wide personnel policies, personnel practices, and personnel strategies are undertaken on a continuing basis.

The organization has indefinite human resource procurement plan-recruitment, selection, and placement of employees.

The organization has a training and development program for few employees.

The grievance machinery of the organization is understood and efficient working to satisfaction of employees only.

Continuing researches are made by the organization on wages and salaries

Periodic audit of every employee is made to discover employee strength and weakness.

The organization provides substantial employee benefits and services.



may be defined as the method by which, through observation by the appraiser, the individual worker’s efficiency in performing his duties and responsibilities during a period is evaluated on the basis of predetermined performance standards or established goals mutually set by the employee and his supervisor.

it is a management functions that involves the manager’s efforts to stimulate high performance by employees and involve day to day contact with people, helping guide and inspire them toward achieving team organizational goals

Research covering organizational and industry-wide personnel policies, personnel practices, and personnel strategies are undertaken on a continuing basis.

The personnel program has the full support of management and employees.

is a person who, having passed through a probationary period of employment, is placed on the regular rolls of the company or one who is assigned to perform work directly related to the regular operations of the firm.

refers to the plan formulated by the National Manpower Council on the systematic determination of manpower requirements and supply of the sectors of the economy over a future period of time.

The organization has indefinite human resource procurement plan-recruitment, selection, and placement of employees.

Management functions of monitoring performance and making needed changes.

He invented the punch clock or time recorder.

The human resource policies of the organization are written, known and observed by few.

It refers to continuing decisions applicable to routine or repetitive situations used as guides in the management of human resource.

It is a dynamic management process of ensuring that all times a company or its unit has in its employ the right number of people, with the right skills and assigned to the right jobs where they can contribute most effectively to the productivity and profitability of the company.

A formal approach to ensure that people with the proper qualifications are available when needed prepare employees for progression along a designed career path

a clear agreement between employer and employee relating to labor matters.

This refers to activities to implement the organizational philosophy or creed and the personnel philosophy of central managers in relation to people to accomplish organizational objectives

A process to set plans, on how the organization assess future supply and demands and for more effective and efficient use of HR.

The organization through its managers maintain good relations with their immediate subordinates

Periodic audit of every employee is made to discover employee strength and weakness.

A written document which define the knowledge, skills and abilities that are required to perform a job in an organization.

refers to a written document that describes the general tasks, or other related duties, and responsibilities of a position.

is the  process of finding and attracting, capable applicants for employment and differentiating between applicants who’s to be hired.

this is the means by which employees are inspired to work to achieve the objectives of the organization effectively.

is the induction program for newly hired employees which includes orientation and deployment.

 is a process of analyzing an organization’s human resource needs under changing conditions and developing the activities necessary to satisfy these needs.

 because after the information are being gathered, analyzed and formulated, best decisions, alternative solutions, foresee problems to make a creative solution are implemented.

refers management process that specifies the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals.

The procedure used for determining/ collecting information relating to the operations and responsibility of a specific job, and the end results are Job Description and Job Specification.

It may be defined as the function of management, concerned with promoting and enhancing the development of work effectiveness and advancement of the human resources in organization.

refers to a person hired to occupy a permanent or regular position in the company for a specified trial period to prove if he is acceptable for the job.

refers to management process that assembles and coordinates human, financial, physical, informational and other resources needed to achieve goals the controlling function makes sure that goals are met.

Continuing researches are made by the organization on wages and salaries

The grievance machinery of the organization is understood and efficient working to satisfaction of employees only.

This function of human resource management helps the employees to acquire skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively.

refers to a company statement that explains the organization's reason for existence.

The organization provides substantial employee benefits and services.

refers to a company statement which describes organization's sights on the future or ambition of the business.

He is known as father of scientific management.

refers to the task of filling position in the organization with the most qualified people available.




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