Engineering Methods Exam

What is the best reason why multiple activity charts must be used? 
Useful for understanding the flow of work in a cyclic process and understanding which resource is controlling the overall progress of the work.
Listed below are the application of multiple activity chart except; 
Used to check whether the work station is correctly constructed
Listed below are the main advantages of films over visual methods except; 
Help in the development of the time study person
It is a graphical representation of the sequence of all the activities taking place in a process
Flow process chart
It records an overall picture of the process and records only the main events sequence-wise.  
Outline process
It is the rate of output that qualified workers will naturally achieve without over-exertion as an average over the working day or shift. 
Standard performance
Listed below are activities often used in analyzing the problem, except; 
Identify the basic glitch of the operation
Listed below are advantages of method study except; 
Better product quantity
What do you call the technique used to reduce the work content mainly by eliminating unnecessary movements by workers, materials or equipment? 
Method study
It deals with the movement of man who is working rather machine. 
None of the above
It is that body of knowledge concerned with the analysis of the work methods and the equipment used in performing a job. 
It shows the potential and identifies causes for an effect or problem of a specified event. 
Fishbone diagram
Listed below are some of the benefits of work-study, except; 
Better material planning and capacity planning
It is the application of techniques designed to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specific job at a defined level of performance. 
Work measurement
Listed below are some of the purpose of work measurement except; 
To set standard for input level
It is the assessment of the workers' rate of working relative to the observer’s concept of the rate corresponding to standard pace. 
It is a technique for recording and timing an activity wherein it helps to find the best pattern movements for an operator that consumes less time and requires less effort. 
Micromotion study
Records the pattern of movement of a worker working within a limited area during a certain period of time.
String Diagram
Founded the modern motion study and introduces his ideas and philosophies into the bricklayer’s trade in which he was employed. 
Lilian Gilbreth
In defining the improved method, the report should show the following except; 
The cost of removing the new method. Including the cost of new equipment and of relaying out shops or working areas.
It is where the activities of more than one item are recorded on a common tome scale to show their inter-relationship. 
Multiple activity chart
One of its goals is to eliminate or reduce the unwanted motions and to arrange the remaining motions in the best sequence. 
Two-handed flow diagrams
It indicates the main steps in a process, methods or procedure. 
Below are the advantages of installing the improved method except; 
Gaining acceptance of the change by the superiors
Listed below are a factor affecting the control of worker except; 
Acceptable variations in the quantity of the product
It includes information considered desirable for analysis such as time required to carry out the operation and the location. 
Operation process chart
It is used in decision-making for the selection of a limited number of tasks that produce a significant overall effect. 
Pareto Principle
He founded the modern time study and proposed that the work of each employee must be planned out by the management at least one day in advance. 
Frederick W. Taylor
It is the application of techniques designed to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry a specified job at a defined level of performance. 
Work measurement
It is the means by which the critical examination is conducted, each activity being subjected in turn to a systematic and progressive series of queries. 
Questioning technique

What do you call the methodical recording and analytical assessment of accessible and proposed ways of doing work? 
Method study

Listed below are some of the objectives of the method study, except; 
Economy in machine effort and reduction of unnecessary fatigue

This type of diagram communicates a string of actions or movements within a convoluted scheme. 

It is the meekest technique used in method study wherein a thread is generated to trace the path or movements of man and materials during a specified sequence of events. 

It is a diagram showing movements in a continuous pattern of light. 
Cycle graph

A rule used to contend that majority of the issues or errors can be traced to a few critical sources. 
Pareto Principle

A diagram that illustrates a project schedule and the dependency relationships between activities and current schedule status. 
Gantt Chart

A statistical tool used in project management in which analyzing and representing the tasks involved in completing a certain project is being depicted. 
Program Evaluation and Review Technique

In this stage, setting the goals as well as identifying relevant key issues are being addressed. 

In this stage, identifying the basic function of the operation and gathering of background information is involved

In this stage, articulating all the alternatives that seemed to be feasible is primarily given emphasis rather than identifying the best alternative. 

In this stage, a systematic assessment of the alternatives and the selection of the best solution is completed.

It means to install the best solution and may include complete documentation of the new or revised method and replacement of the previous documentation. 

In this stage, assessing the project relating the output to the original problem and objectives is made. It also includes recognizing some alternatives if any implementation issues are detected.

Which of the following does not belong to the group? 
Budget type

Shows a chronological sequence of all inspections, time allowances, operations and materials used in manufacturing to the packaging of the finished product. 
Outline Process

It is used for understanding the flow of work in a cyclical process and understanding which resource is controlling the overall progress of the work. 
Multiple Activity

It is used to study the detailed activity of a worker, to capture how long the operation takes, and what activities are being performed by each hand. 
SIMO chart

It is used to determine the fine details of movement over time, such as the hand movements of an assembly worker. 
Chronocycle graph

It is used to detect and trace the movement between places and aims to decide where the overall materials handling function is performed at a minimum cost. 
Travel chart

This must be provided to dilute these contaminants, exhaust the stale air and supply fresh air. 
Unit of light flow or luminous flux. The output of artificial lights can be measured in lumens. 
Artificial Light Sources with a color rendering from Fair to good. 
The number of times a complete motion cycle takes place during the period of one second is called the frequency and is measured in hertz (Hz) 
Core temperatures exhibit a narrow range around a normal value of__________ 
Implies that 40 h is performed in fewer than 5 days. 
Illuminates the ceiling, which in turn reflects light downward. 
Indirect Lighting
Unit of light intensity, measured in lumens per square foot. 
In what degree of Health Effect of Noise that results to "Reduced learning and productivity". 
Chronic Effect
A unitless proportion and ranges from 0 to 100 percent. 
In what degree of Health Effect of Noise that results to "Endocrine disruption". 
Chronic Effect
The parameters of which are frequency, amplitude, velocity, acceleration, and jerk. 
Occurs when a mechanical system is set off with an initial and then allowed to vibrate freely. Ex.- simple pendulum 
Free Vibration
When a time-varying disturbance(load, displacement or velocity) is applied to a mechanical system. Ex. Shaking washing machine due to an imbalance, transportation vibration (caused by truck engine, springs, road, etc.) 
Forced vibration 
Measure sound intensity (also referred to as sound power or sound pressure) in units called_______ 
In what degree of Health Effect of Noise that results to "Heart Disease".  
Long-Term Effect
In what degree of Health Effect of Noise that results to "Hypertension". 
Chronic Effect
Allowed  illuminance (fc) range for  Performance of visual tasks of low contrast or very small size, e.g., reading handwriting in hard pencil on poor-quality paper and very poorly reproduced material; highly difficult inspection, difficult assembly  
The amount of radiant energy absorbed in a certain amount of tissue 
rad or radiation absorbed dose 
Is an instrument used for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation? 
Geiger counter
Is most powerful and dangerous and can only be stopped by many feet of earth, the water of great depth, or metal of intense thickness. 
Gamma Radiation
In what degree of Health Effect of Noise that results to "Permanent hearing loss or tinnitus". 
Long-Term Risk
the radiation intensity in a perpendicular direction of a surface of 1/600000 square metre of a black body at the temperature of solidification platinum under a pressure of 101,325 newtons per square metre. 
In what degree of Health Effect of Noise that results to "Decreased in sleep quality and quantity. 
Acute Effect
In what degree of Health Effects of Noise that results to the "Increased annoyance, stress and distraction". 
Acute Effect
Used for measuring noise 
noise dosimeter
In what degree of Health Effect of Noise that results to "Temporary change of hearing". 
Acute Effect
Is the SI derived unit of illuminance, measuring luminous flux per unit area. 
Defined as working other than daytime hours, is becoming an ever increasing problem for the industry. 
It deemphasizes the ceiling surface and places more of the light on the work surfaces and the floor. 
Direct lighting

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